Total Possible Score: 7.00
Distinguished - Provides a thorough description of the 10 steps of an outbreak investigation.
Proficient - Provides a description of the 10 steps of an outbreak investigation; however, some minor details may be missing.
Basic - Describes the 10 steps of an outbreak investigation; some relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations - Attempts to describe some steps of an outbreak investigation; some steps and major details are missing.
Non-Performance - No attempt to describe the 10 steps of an outbreak investigation; or material provided does not pertain to an outbreak investigation.
Distinguished - Draws the epidemic curve for this incident and correctly identifies the type of curve it represents.
Proficient - N/A
Basic - N/A
Below Expectations - N/A
Non-Performance - Draws and inaccurate epidemic curve and incorrectly identifies the type of epidemic curve it represents.
Distinguished - Correctly calculates and states the incubation period for the illness affecting the eleven blue men.
Proficient - N/A
Basic - N/A
Below Expectations - N/A
Non-Performance - Incorrectly calculates and states the incubation period for the illness affecting the eleven blue men.
Distinguished - Correctly identifies three questions asked by Dr. Greenberg.
Proficient - Correctly identifies two questions asked by Dr. Greenberg; one provided is incorrect or not attempted.
Basic - Correctly identifies one questions asked by Dr. Greenberg; two of the questions provided are incorrect or were not attempted.
Below Expectations - N/A
Non-Performance - No response given or None of the questions provided are associated with this event.
Distinguished - Correctly identifies three questions asked by Dr. Pellitteri.
Proficient - Correctly identifies two questions asked by Dr. Pellitteri; one provided is incorrect or not attempted.
Basic - Correctly identifies one questions asked by Dr. Pellitteri; two of the questions provided are incorrect or were not attempted.
Below Expectations - N/A
Non-Performance - No response given or None of the questions provided are associated with this event.
Distinguished - Correctly identifies three questions asked by the epidemiologists to the Cafeteria employees.
Proficient - Correctly identifies two questions asked by the epidemiologists; one provided is incorrect or not attempted.
Basic - Correctly identifies one questions asked by the epidemiologists; two of the questions provided are incorrect or were not attempted.
Below Expectations - N/A
Non-Performance - No response given or None of the questions provided are associated with this event.
Distinguished - Correctly identifies the culprit as Sodium Nitrite and that the Eleven Blue Men were all alcoholics.
Proficient - Correctly identifies the culprit as Sodium Nitrite, but did not highlight the Eleven Blue Men were all alcoholics.
Basic - Did not correctly identify the culprit as Sodium Nitrite, but did highlight the Eleven Blue Men were all alcoholics.
Below Expectations - N/A
Non-Performance - Did not provide the correct cause of the outbreak and/or did not address the fact that the men were all alcoholics.
Distinguished - Correctly provides two appropriate epidemiology questions that could have been asked to the patients or the employees and thoroughly explains why these questions would have helped.
Proficient - Correctly provides one appropriate epidemiology question that could have been asked to the patients or the employees and explains why these questions would have helped.
Basic - Correctly provides two appropriate epidemiology questions that could have been asked to the patients or the employees, but provides no reasoning for the questions.
Below Expectations - Correctly provides one appropriate epidemiology question that could have been asked to the patients or the employees, but provides no reasoning for the question.
Non-Performance - No attempt or the questions provided would have assisted in the resolution of this outbreak.
Distinguished - Distinguishes probable implications of the text for contexts, perspectives, or issues outside the assigned task or beyond the author's explicit message.
Proficient - Uses the text and/or specific knowledge of the author’s context to draw more intricate inferences about the author’s message and approach.
Basic - Considers how textual features (e.g., sentence and paragraph structure or tone) contribute to the author’s message. Draws fundamental inferences about context and rationale of text.
Below Expectations - Inadequately captures vocabulary but makes an effort to paraphrase or summarize the information the text communicates.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively explains the issue to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary for a full understanding.
Proficient - Clearly explains the issue to be considered, delivering enough relevant information for an adequate understanding.
Basic - Briefly explains the issue to be considered, delivering minimal information for a basic understanding.
Below Expectations - Briefly explains the issue to be considered, but may not deliver additional information necessary for a basic understanding.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand.
Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.
Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.
Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.
Basic - Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements.
Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Proficient - The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Basic - The length of the paper is equivalent to at least three quarters of the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Below Expectations - The length of the paper is equivalent to at least one half of the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
Proficient - Uses the required number of scholarly sources to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
Basic - Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Citations may not be formatted correctly.
Below Expectations - Uses an inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.