

Total Possible Score: 10.00

Scope and nature of the problem

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - States a well-defined, focused, and clear scope and nature of the problem.

Proficient - States an adequately defined and mostly focused scope and nature of the problem.

Basic - States an adequately defined and somewhat focused scope and nature of the problem.

Below Expectations - States a poorly defined and broad scope and nature of the problem.

Non-Performance - The paper is either nonexistent or completely lacks the scope and nature of the problem.

Describes a specific claim

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Describes a well-defined, relevant, and defensible claim that shows a thorough understanding of the narrowed focus.  The claim was appropriately modified (if necessary) from Step One as a result of research.

Proficient - Describes a well-defined and relevant claim that shows a sufficient understanding of the narrowed focus.  The claim was appropriately modified (if necessary) from Step One as a result of research.

Basic - Describes an adequately defined claim that shows a general understanding of the narrowed focus.  The claim was appropriately modified (if necessary) from Step One as a result of research.

Below Expectations - Identifies a poorly defined claim that does not show an understanding of the narrowed focus.  The claim was not appropriately modified from Step One as a result of research.

Non-Performance - The paper is either nonexistent or completely lacks any mention of a claim.

Justification for claim

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Applies considerable analysis toward a complete and thoughtful justification of the stated claim.

Proficient - Provides a complete and thoughtful justification of the stated claim.

Basic - Provides an adequate justification of the stated claim.

Below Expectations - Provides a somewhat weak justification of the stated claim.

Non-Performance - The paper is either nonexistent or completely lacks a justification of the claim.

Describes a planned method of data collection

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Thoroughly describes a detailed plan for collecting data and addresses necessary research for all components of the stated claim.

Proficient - Describes a plan for collecting data and addresses research for almost all aspects of the stated claim. 

Basic - Describes a plan for collecting data and addresses research for some aspects of the stated claim.

Below Expectations - Identifies a vague plan for data collection, but does detail the research for any aspects of the stated claim.

Non-Performance - The paper is either nonexistent or completely lacks a planned method of data collection.

Describes preliminary findings

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Clearly describes preliminary findings, providing a thorough and creative interpretation.

Proficient - Describes preliminary findings, providing a sufficient interpretation of the findings.

Basic - Describes preliminary findings, providing a brief interpretation of the findings.

Below Expectations - Outlines preliminary findings but does not provide any interpretation.

Non-Performance - The paper is either nonexistent or completely lacks a description of preliminary findings.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Total: 0.75

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand. Written work contains language that is always appropriate in diction, tone, and point-of-view (third person v. first person) according to the assignment guidelines as well as academic writing standards.

Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand. Written work contains a few minor instances of informal language that is inconsistent with assignment guidelines and/or academic writing standards in diction, tone, and/or point-of-view (third person v. first person).

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader. Written work contains several instances of informal language that is inconsistent with assignment guidelines and/or academic writing standards in diction, tone, and/or point-of-view (third person v. first person).

Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors, which distract the reader. Written work contains numerous instances of informal language that is inconsistent with assignment guidelines and/or academic writing standards in diction, tone, and/or point-of-view (third person v. first person).

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. If written work is submitted, it primarily uses informal language that is inconsistent with assignment guidelines and/or academic writing standards in diction, tone, and/or point-of-view (third person v. first person).

Critical Thinking: Explanation of Issues

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively explains in detail the issue to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding.

Proficient - Clearly explains in detail the issue to be considered, delivering enough relevant information for an adequate understanding.

Basic - Briefly recognizes the issue to be considered, delivering minimal information for a basic understanding.

Below Expectations - Briefly recognizes the issue to be considered, but may not deliver additional information necessary for a basic understanding.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Sources and Evidence

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Demonstrates consistent use of reliable, appropriate sources and/or evidence to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.

Proficient - Demonstrates mostly consistent use of reliable sources and/or evidence that are appropriate to the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources offer some support to the ideas in the writing.

Basic - Demonstrates somewhat inconsistent use of sources and/or evidence that are mostly reliable to the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources offer very little support to the ideas in the writing.

Below Expectations - Inconsistently utilizes sources and/or evidence in the writing. Such sources/evidence may also be unrelated, offering no support to the ideas in the writing.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

APA Format

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title and reference page.

Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.

Basic - Exhibits basic knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements.

Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Resource requirement

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Provides ample resources and uses the correct number of sources from the specified search agents.

Proficient - Provides the approximate number of sources, while using some of the correct search agents specified in the assignment instructions.

Basic - Provides over half of the sources required in the assignment instructions.

Below Expectations - Provides inadequate number of resources and does not include sources from specified search agents.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Page requirement

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - The paper meets the specific page requirement stipulated in the assignment description.

Proficient - The paper closely meets the page requirement stipulated in the assignment description.

Basic - The paper meets over half of the page requirement.

Below Expectations - A fraction of the page requirement is completed.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Assignment Submitted on Time

Total: 0.00

Distinguished - This paper was submitted on time.

Proficient - This paper was submitted one day late. Late penalty is 10 percent of assignment total.

Basic - This paper was submitted two days late. Late penalty is 20 percent of assignment total.

Below Expectations - This paper was submitted three days late. Late penalty is 30 percent of assignment total.

Non-Performance - This paper was submitted, but not within the late policy deadline, and therefore is unable to receive credit.