Total Possible Score: 10.00
Distinguished - Thoroughly describes all of the elements of the target population, risk factors and other demographic information.
Proficient - Describes the elements of the target population, risk factors and other demographic information. Minor details are missing.
Basic - Briefly describes some of the elements of the target population, risk factors and other demographic information. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations - Attempts to describe the elements of the target population, risk factors and/or other demographic information; however, some elements are not described or significant details are missing.
Non-Performance - The description of the target population, risk factors, and other demographic information is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Accurately identifies through assessment and epidemiological means the health problem and risk factors and how they have affected the population.
Proficient - Identifies through assessment and epidemiological means the health problem and risk factors and how they have affected the population. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic - Identifies the health problem and risk factors but does not use appropriate epidemiological means or does not state how they have affected the population. Relevant details are missing or inaccurate.
Below Expectations - Attempts to identify either the health problem or risk factors and state how they have affected the population; however, appropriate epidemiological means are not used and significant details are missing or inaccurate.
Non-Performance - The identification through assessment and epidemiological means the health problem and risk factors and how these have affected the population is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Thoroughly describes the actions that have been taken to address this issue in general and within the community.
Proficient - Describes the actions that have been taken to address this issue in general and within the community. Minor details are missing or unclear.
Basic - Partially describes the actions that have been taken to address this issue in general, but may not apply it to the specific community or relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations - Attempts to describe the actions that have been taken to address this issue either in the community or in general; however, significant details are missing or inaccurate.
Non-Performance - The description of the actions that have been taken to address this issue in general and within the community is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Comprehensively and clearly analyzes existing policies to resolve the problem.
Proficient - Analyzes the existing policies to resolve the problem. The analysis is slightly underdeveloped.
Basic - Partially analyzes the existing policies to resolve the problem. The analysis is underdeveloped.
Below Expectations - Attempts to analyze the existing policies to resolve the problem; however, the analysis is significantly underdeveloped.
Non-Performance - The analysis of existing policies to resolve the problem is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Comprehensively discusses new policies that should or could be developed to better address the issue.
Proficient - Discusses new policies that should or could be developed to better address the issue. Minor details are missing or unclear.
Basic - Briefly discusses new policies that should or could be developed, but may not address them in relation to the health issue or relevant details are missing or unclear.
Below Expectations - Attempts to discuss new policies that should or could be developed; however, the information is not connected to the health issue and significant details are missing or unclear.
Non-Performance - The discussion of new policies that should or could be developed to better address the issue is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Identifies stakeholders and potential facilitators who can expertly assist with policy development, clearly indicating why the stakeholders and facilitators were selected.
Proficient - Identifies stakeholders and potential facilitators who can assist with policy development, indicating why the stakeholders and facilitators were selected. Minor details are missing.
Basic - Identifies some stakeholders and potential facilitators who can possibly assist with policy development, somewhat indicating why the stakeholders and facilitators were selected. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations - Attempts to identify stakeholders and potential facilitators who can assist with policy development; however, does not indicate why the stakeholders and facilitators were selected and/or they are not accurately identified and significant details are missing.
Non-Performance - The identification of stakeholders and potential facilitators who could assist with policy development is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Thoroughly and accurately explains how the five essential services revolving around both assessment and policy development are applied to the health problem.
Proficient - Explains how the five essential services revolving around both assessment and policy development are applied to the health problem. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic - Partially explains the five essential services revolving around assessment and policy development but may not apply them to the health problem. Relevant details are missing or inaccurate.
Below Expectations - Attempts to explain the five essential services revolving around assessment and policy development; however, the information provided was not applied to the health problem and significant details are missing or inaccurate.
Non-Performance - The explanation of how the essential services revolving around both assessment and policy development are applied to this health problem is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Comprehensively and accurately analyzes how the essential services associated with assurance are applied to this health problem for the selected population.
Proficient - Analyzes how the essential services associated with assurance are applied to this health problem for the selected population. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic - Partially analyzes the essential services associated with assurance, but may not apply it to the health problem or to the selected population or relevant details are missing or inaccurate.
Below Expectations - Attempts to analyze the essential services associated with assurance; however, it is not applied to the health problem or population and significant details are missing or inaccurate.
Non-Performance - The analysis of how the essential services associated with assurance are applied to this health problem for their selected population. is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Thoroughly and accurately examines the legal and ethical considerations affiliated with the selected population in relation to assessment, policy development and assurances.
Proficient - Examines the legal and ethical considerations affiliated with the selected population in relation to assessment, policy development and assurances. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic - Partially examines the legal and ethical considerations affiliated with the selected population but may not relate these to assessment, policy development, and assurances or relevant details are missing or inaccurate.
Below Expectations - Attempts to examine the legal and ethical considerations affiliated with the selected population; however, does not relate them to assessment, policy development, and assurances or significant details are missing or inaccurate.
Non-Performance - The examination of the legal and ethical considerations affiliated with the selected population in relation to assessment, policy development and assurances is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Provides a comprehensive synopsis of how the 10th essential service can help address this issue within all three core functions: assessment, policy development and assurance.
Proficient - Provides a synopsis of how the 10th essential service can help address this issue within all three core functions: assessment, policy development, and assurance. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic - Provides a brief synopsis of how the 10th essential service can help address this issue, but may not apply it to all three core functions: assessment, policy development and assurance or relevant details are missing or inaccurate.
Below Expectations - Attempts to provide a synopsis of how the 10th essential service but did not apply it to the health issue, nor was it applied to the three core functions: assessment, policy development and assurance or significant details are missing or inaccurate.
Non-Performance - The synopsis of how the 10th essential service can help address this issue within all three core functions: assessment, policy development and assurance is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Distinguished - Employs persuasive information from credible sources to develop an ample analysis or synthesis of the topic. Viewpoints of experts are scrutinized thoroughly.
Proficient - Employs applicable information from credible sources to develop an analysis of the topic.
Basic - Identifies applicable information from credible sources, but may neglect the application of such information toward the analysis of the topic.
Below Expectations - Displays information from external sources, but such information may lack credibility and/or relevance. Neglects the application of such information toward the analysis of the topic.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively explains in detail the issue to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary for a full understanding.
Proficient - Clearly explains in detail the issue to be considered, delivering enough relevant information for an adequate understanding.
Basic - Briefly recognizes the issue to be considered, delivering minimal information for a basic understanding.
Below Expectations - Briefly recognizes the issue to be considered, but may not deliver additional information necessary for a basic understanding.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Information is exceptionally organized and there is a clear, logical progression of ideas.
Proficient - Information is organized and there is a logical progression of ideas.
Basic -Information is somewhat organized but there is not a logical progression of ideas.
Below Expectations - The presentation does not follow a logical progression of ideas and lacks organization.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Exceptional use of relevant graphics, sound, and/or animation, which assist in presenting the overall main point and enhance understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. There is a consistent theme, format, and font which augment the readability of the presentation.
Proficient -Sufficient use of graphics, sound, and/or animation, which assist in presenting the overall main point and enhance understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. There is a consistent theme, format, and font which augment the readability of the presentation.
Basic - Somewhat uses graphics, sound, and/or animation to assist in the presentation of the main point. There is not a consistent theme/format to augment the readability of the presentation.
Below Expectations - Attempts to use graphics, sound, and/or animation to assist in presenting the overall main point; however, they do not enhance the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. There is not a consistent theme/format to augment the readability of the presentation.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished -Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors, and is very easy to understand.
Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors, and is mostly easy to understand.
Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader.
Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors, which distract the reader.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the presentation, title and reference page.
Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting throughout the presentation; however, layout contains a few minor errors.
Basic -Exhibits basic knowledge of APA formatting throughout the presentation. Layout does not meet all APA requirements.
Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished - The presentation meets the specific slide requirement stipulated in the assignment description.
Proficient - The presentation closely meets the slide requirement stipulated in the assignment description.
Basic - The presentation meets over half of the slide requirement.
Below Expectations - A fraction of the slide requirement is met.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Distinguished -Provides ample sources, and uses the correct number of sources from the specified search agents.
Proficient - Provides the approximate number of sources, while using some of the correct search agents specified in the assignment instructions.
Basic - Provides over half of the sources required in the assignment instructions.
Below Expectations - Provides less than half of the sources required in the assignment instructions, and does not include sources from specified search agents.
Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.