Total Possible Score: 3.50
Distinguished - The student accomplishes all of the following: demonstrates mastery of paraphrasing, incorporates entirely accurate APA style, addresses all aspects of the prompt, and avoids almost all, if not all, stylistic and mechanical errors.
Proficient - The student accomplishes most of the following: demonstrates a functional understanding of paraphrasing, incorporates generally accurate APA style, addresses most, if not all parts, of the prompt, and mostly avoids glaring stylistic and mechanical errors.
Basic - The student demonstrates the following: a limited understanding of paraphrasing, incorporates mostly inaccurate APA style, parts of the prompt are missing, and there are several glaring stylistic and mechanical errors.
Below Expectations - The student work demonstrates the following traits: a minimal understanding of quote integration, incorporates inaccurate APA style, most of the prompt is missing, and there are many glaring stylistic and mechanical errors. Most significantly, the student either inadvertently or intentionally plagiarizes a portion of the journal entry.
Non-Performance - The student did not submit the assignment.