

Total Possible Score: 7.00

Creates An Excel Worksheet That Illustrates Each Application’s Average Use Per Department

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Creates an Excel worksheet that correctly calculates each application’s average usage for all departments for both database and presentation use. The worksheet contains all relevant information that can be validated by the formulas visible within Excel worksheet.

Proficient - Creates an Excel worksheet that calculates each application’s average usage for all departments for both database and presentation use. The worksheet contains mostly relevant information that can be validated by the formulas visible within the Excel worksheet. Few inaccuracies are present.

Basic - Partially creates an Excel worksheet that calculates each application’s average usage for all departments for both database and presentation use. The worksheet contains some relevant information that can be validated by the formulas visible within the Excel worksheet. Some inaccuracies are present.

Below Expectations - Attempts to create an Excel worksheet that calculates each application’s average usage for all departments for both database and presentation use; however, the worksheet contains irrelevant information or the formulas are not visible within the Excel worksheet, and many inaccuracies are present.

Non-Performance - The Excel worksheet is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Creates a Three-Dimensional (3D) Bar Graph That Illustrates the Averages by Department and Software Package

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Creates an accurate and clearly labeled three-dimensional (3D) bar graph that comprehensively illustrates the averages by department and software package.

Proficient - Creates a mostly accurate three-dimensional (3D) bar graph that illustrates the averages by department and software package. The graph is not clearly labeled, or minor details are missing.

Basic - Creates a partially accurate bar graph that somewhat illustrates the averages by department and software package. The graph is not three-dimensional (3D) and/or is not clearly labeled. Relevant details are missing.

Below Expectations - Attempts to create a bar graph that illustrates the averages by department and software package; however, the graph is not three-dimensional (3D) and is not clearly labeled, and significant details are missing and inaccurate.

Non-Performance - The three-dimensional (3D) bar graph is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Prepares a PowerPoint Presentation with Four Slides That Illustrate the Findings

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Prepares a PowerPoint presentation that comprehensively illustrates the introduction, the original data table, the bar graph, and appropriate conclusions regarding key applications per department.

Proficient - Prepares a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the introduction, the original data table, the bar graph, and appropriate conclusions regarding key applications per department. The PowerPoint is slightly underdeveloped.

Basic - Prepares a partial PowerPoint presentation that mostly illustrates the introduction, the original data table, the bar graph, and somewhat appropriate conclusions regarding key applications per department. The PowerPoint is underdeveloped.

Below Expectations - Attempts to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the introduction, the original data table, the bar graph, and conclusions regarding key applications per department; however, the PowerPoint is significantly underdeveloped.

Non-Performance - The PowerPoint presentation is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Integrative Learning: Integrated Communication

Total: 0.38

Distinguished -Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) in ways that enhance comprehension, while making clear the interdependence of language and meaning, thought, and expression.

Proficient - Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) to correlate content and form, demonstrating awareness of purpose and audience.

Basic - Utilizing a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) that correlates in a basic way what is being communicated.

Below Expectations - Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) in appropriate forms, although attempts may be incomplete.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Creative Thinking: Acquiring Competencies

Total: 0.37

Distinguished - Evaluates creative process and product using appropriate criteria; creates an entirely new object, solution or idea that is appropriate to the domain. Successfully adapts an appropriate exemplar to own specifications.

Proficient - Creates an entirely new object, solution or idea that is appropriate to the domain.

Basic - Successfully adapts an appropriate exemplar to own specifications.

Below Expectations - Insufficiently reproduces an appropriate exemplar.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors, and is very easy to understand.

Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors, and is mostly easy to understand.

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader.

Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors, which distract the reader.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.