

Total Possible Score: 6.00

Question 1: Discusses Pattern Observed in Table 4

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly discusses what pattern is observed in regard to the dissolved oxygen content and fish populations illustrated in Table 4.

Proficient - Discusses what pattern is observed in regard to the dissolved oxygen content and fish populations illustrated in Table 4. Although the response is thorough, minor details are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Discusses what pattern is observed in regard to the dissolved oxygen content and fish populations illustrated in Table 4. Intermediate details are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Discusses what pattern is observed in regard to the dissolved oxygen content and fish populations illustrated in Table 4. Major details are missing or inaccurate.

Non-Performance - Fails to discuss what pattern is observed in regard to the dissolved oxygen content and fish populations illustrated in Table 4.

Question 2: Describes How Dissolved Oxygen Can Affect Fish Populations

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Utilizes at least one scholarly source to accurately and thoroughly describe how dissolved oxygen content can affect fish populations.

Proficient - Utilizes at least one scholarly source to describe how dissolved oxygen content can affect fish populations. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Utilizes at least one scholarly source to describe how dissolved oxygen content can affect fish populations. Intermediate details are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Utilizes at least one source to describe how dissolved oxygen content can affect fish populations. Major details are missing or inaccurate, or the source utilized is not appropriate or scholarly.

Non-Performance - Fails to describe how dissolved oxygen content can affect fish populations.

Question 3: Develops a Hypothesis on Dissolved Oxygen Content in the Water and the Fish Population

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Develops a logical hypothesis related to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed, based on observations in Question 1 and research in Question 2.

Proficient - Develops a mostly logical hypothesis related to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed, based on observations in Question 1 and research in Question 2. Minor errors in hypothesis format are present.

Basic - Develops a hypothesis related to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed, based on observations in Question 1 and research in Question 2. Major errors in hypothesis format are present.

Below Expectations - Develops a hypothesis related to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed. Hypothesis contradicts observations in Question 1 and/or research in Question 2 or fails to properly address the experimental question.

Non-Performance - Fails to develop a hypothesis related to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed.

Question 4: Describes an Experiment to Test the Hypothesis

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Thoroughly describes an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3, including clear and accurate identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group.

Proficient - Describes an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3, including identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group. Although the response is thorough, minor details of methodology are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Describes an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3, including identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group. Intermediate details of methodology are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Describes an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3, but may not include an identification of the independent variable, dependent variable, and/or control group. Major details of methodology are missing or inaccurate.

Non-Performance - Fails to describe an experiment to test the hypothesis developed in Question 3.

Question 5: Selects the Type of Graph That Would Be Appropriate for Displaying the Data and Explains the Selection

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Accurately selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and thoroughly explains why this graph is appropriate.

Proficient - Selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and explains why this graph is appropriate. Selection of the graph is accurate, but minor details of the explanation are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and explains why this graph is appropriate. Selection of the graph is accurate, but intermediate details of the explanation are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Selects which type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data and explains why this graph is appropriate. Selection of the graph is inaccurate and/or major inaccuracies are present in the explanation.

Non-Performance - Fails to explain type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the Table 4 data.

Question 6: Describes the Graph of the Table 4 Data

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly describes the graph of Table 4 mentioned in Question 5.

Proficient - Describes the graph of Table 4 mentioned in Question 5. Although the response is thorough, minor details are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Describes the graph of Table 4 mentioned in Question 5. Intermediate details are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Describes the graph of Table 4 mentioned in Question 5. The described graph was inaccurately selected and/or major details are missing or inaccurate.

Non-Performance - Fails to describe the graph of Table 4 mentioned in Question 5.

Question 7: Interprets the Data From the Graph in Question 6 and Draws Conclusions

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Accurately and thoroughly interprets the data from the graph generated in Question 6 and details what conclusions can be drawn.

Proficient - Interprets the data from the graph generated in Question 6 and details what conclusions can be drawn. Although the response is thorough, minor details are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Interprets the data from the graph generated in Question 6 and details what conclusions can be drawn. Intermediate details are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Interprets the data from the graph generated in Question 6 and details what conclusions can be drawn. Major details are missing or inaccurate.

Non-Performance - Fails to interpret the graph generated in Question 6.

Question 8: Accepts or Rejects Hypothesis and Explains How This Was Determined

Total: 0.70

Distinguished - Accurately accepts or rejects the hypothesis proposed in Question 3 and thoroughly explains how this was determined.

Proficient - Accurately accepts or rejects the hypothesis proposed in Question 3 and explains how this was determined. Minor details of the explanation are missing or inaccurate.

Basic - Accurately accepts or rejects the hypothesis proposed in Question 3 and explains how this was determined. Intermediate details of the explanation are missing or inaccurate.

Below Expectations - Accepts or rejects the hypothesis proposed in Question 3 and explains how this was determined. Explanation contradicts the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis or major inaccuracies are present in the explanation.

Non-Performance - Fails to accept or reject the hypothesis proposed in Question 3.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Total: 0.30

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors, and is very easy to understand.

Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors, and is mostly easy to understand.

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader.

Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors, which distract the reader.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

APA Formatting

Total: 0.10

Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting to reference sources.

Proficient - Uses APA formatting to reference sources. However, references contain minor errors.

Basic - Uses basic APA formatting to reference sources. However, references do not meet all APA requirements.

Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the references difficult to distinguish as APA.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.