

Total Possible Score: 25.00

Macro Systems Problem

Total: 7.00

Distinguished - Systems problem is at a macro level. The problem solving approach is scientific and rational. The statement of the problem develops into an appropriate, specific research question and hypothesis.

Proficient - Systems problem is at a macro level. The problem solving approach is lacking detail. The statement of the problem develops into a research question and hypothesis.

Basic - Systems problem is at a macro level. The problem solving approach is unclear. The statement of the problem is not adequately addressed.

Below Expectations - The systems problem is not at a macro level and/or the problem solving approach may not be presented. There is no clear research question and hypothesis.

Non-Performance - A macro systems problem, adequate introduction, statement of the problem, or conclusion are either non-existent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Literature Review

Total: 7.00

Distinguished - Thorough explanation of the problem and proposed problem solving method are fully supported through evidence-based research results.

Proficient - An explanation of the problem and proposed problem solving method are supported through evidence-based research results.

Basic - A general explanation of the problem and proposed problem solving method are presented and supported.

Below Expectations - The explanation of the problem and proposed problem solving method are not supported.

Non-Performance - The literature review is either non-existent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.


Total: 7.00

Distinguished - Thorough plan for conducting the research project is provided.  It includes all of the following: type of research design, recruitment of participants, data collection (e.g., what instruments would be used), and data analysis (what precise statistical tests would be used to test what variables).

Proficient - A plan for conducting the research project is provided that includes some of the following: type of research design, recruitment of participants, data collection (e.g., what instruments would be used), and data analysis (what precise statistical tests would be used to test what variables).

Basic -A plan for conducting the research project is minimally provided and includes insufficient details of: type of research design, recruitment of participants, data collection (e.g., what instruments would be used), and data analysis (what precise statistical tests would be used to test what variables).

Below Expectations - The plan is minimally explained or scientifically impractical.

Non-Performance - The methodology is either non-existent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Integrated Learning: Transfer

Total: 0.75

Distinguished -Adapts and employs, independently, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations. Solving difficult problems or exploring complex issues in original ways.

Proficient - Utilizes skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations, contributing to an understanding of problems or issues.

Basic - Attempts to utilize, in a basic way, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation, in a new situation.

Below Expectations - Attempts to utilize, in a basic way, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation in a new situation.  Such attempts may be ineffective.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Critical Thinking: Conclusions and Related Outcomes

Total: 0.75

Distinguished - Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and clearly reflect student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.

Proficient -Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.

Basic - Conclusions and related outcomes are identified and minimally reflect student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.

Below Expectations - Conclusions and related outcomes are not logical or reflective of student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Content Development

Total: 0.50

Distinguished -Uses appropriate, pertinent, and persuasive content to discover and develop sophisticated ideas within the context of the discipline, shaping the work as a whole.

Proficient -Uses appropriate and pertinent content to discover ideas within the context of the discipline, shaping the work as a whole.

Basic - Uses appropriate and pertinent content, but does not apply it toward discovering or developing ideas. Overall, content assists in shaping the written work.

Below Expectations -Uses content, though it may be unrelated or inappropriate to the topic. Content does not contribute toward the development of the written work, and may distract the reader from its purpose.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors, and is very easy to understand.

Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors, and is mostly easy to understand.

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader.

Below Expectations - Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors, which distract the reader.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

APA Format

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title and reference page.

Proficient - Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.

Basic - Exhibits basic knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements.

Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Page Requirement

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - The paper meets the specific page requirement stipulated in the assignment description.

Proficient - The paper closely meets the page requirements stipulated in the assignment description.

Basic - The paper meets over half of the page requirement.

Below Expectations - A fraction of the page requirement is completed.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Reference Requirement

Total: 0.50

Distinguished - Provides ample resources and uses the correct amount of sources from the specified search agents.

Proficient - Provides the approximate number of sources, while using some of the correct search agents specified in the assignment instructions.

Basic - Provides over half of the  sources required in the assignment instructions.

Below Expectations - Provides inadequate number of resources and does not include sources from specified search agents.

Non-Performance - The assignment is either non-existent or lacks the components described in the instructions.