

Total Possible Score: 0.50

Provides an Introductory Post

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Provides a comprehensive introduction.

Proficient - Provides an introduction.

Basic - Provides a brief introduction.

Below Expectations - Provides a minimal introduction.

Non-Performance - Does not provide an introductory post.

Replies to at Least Three Classmates

Total: 0.25

Distinguished - Thoughtfully replies to at least three classmates. The responses are thoughtful, relevant, and contribute meaningfully to the conversation. 

Proficient - Replies to three classmates. The responses are mostly thoughtful, relevant, and contribute to the conversation.

Basic - Replies to two classmates. The responses are mostly thoughtful, relevant, and contribute to the conversation.

Below Expectations - Replies to one classmate. The response is mostly thoughtful, relevant, and contributes to the conversation.

Non-Performance - The student did not reply to any classmates.